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Saba Illustration by Juan Perednik - Hor
Sev'ense - definition
Sev'ense [sev-onss] noun

1 the seven senses 2 a life-changing multi-sensory dining experience

I want

to explore...

If we were to bite into the same pear, would we feel the sandy texture of its skin, subtle sweet and sour flavour on our tongues, and the juiciness of its body in the same way?


How can you draw in and focus on each detailed sense in order to add more taste to a moment and have it last for days?


How can you increase your level of consciousness and mindfulness while eating a meal? 


What role do the 5 individual senses have on each bite?


Are you intrigued to explore these questions with me? If so, join me on this Sev'ense journey and awaken yourself to a feast to your senses!


What is

the Sev'ense philosophy?

It is to explore these questions while encouraging my diners to tune into their own awareness; to invite them to ask themselves what it means to not just eat, but to practice the entire experience of a meal. To offer an experience that will remind each individual that, despite our personal cultures, our daily practices, our profession or hobbies, we are all simply, and so beautifully, human.

What to expect

at dinner

As your chef, how can I add more taste to a moment and have it last for days?


The experience will invite diners to tap into each of their 5 senses to enhance the delicious experience of eating. While being offered a Tasting Menu, my diners will learn to slow down to enjoy every single part of the meal while their senses are impaired and stimulated; fostering mindful eating with a fully awakened body. 


Prices start from 85,99€ p.P.

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